Vedic Maths

Vedic maths for kids from Grade 3 onwards: A complete guide for Beginners

Here is your one-stop solution to all your math-related queries and concerns for your kid. I know, most of us feel maths is a difficult subject and many students might have maths phobia. Just because parents force them to learn maths, kids have no other option, so they learn with great pain. Don’t worry, now is the time to overcome the fear and phobia that math causes. Parents will surely be delighted to see their kids succeed in math with the help of Vedic Maths tricks.

Vedic Maths is a super-fast method of making all math calculations straightforward and easy. It mainly deals with mental calculations. When it comes to kids, it helps in increasing concentration power, memorizing formulas, and makes long calculations very simple and less tedious than before.

Vedic Maths Tricks saves a lot of time. The Math trick makes it possible for students to multiply a 13 digit number by a 12 digit number without using pen and paper. It boosts confidence in one’s ability to tackle mathematical problems easily. Formulas for special numbers and Dodging Times Tables up to 99 are much easier with the help of Vedic Maths. It not only helps for calculating magic numbers like multiplication of 999, 5’s, 11, 12, 13,… but also helps for all other numbers.

The Vedic Math Tricks mainly helps children in solving basic concepts under Arithmetic operations like additions, subtractions, multiplication, division, fractions, squares, cubes, and a few Algebraic operations. When compared to the conventional or usual method, the Vedic method has more tricks and easy ways to calculate.

The most important thing about Vedic Mathematics is that it teaches you how to think logically. The method is based on the principle that everything can be reduced to numbers. This means that you will learn to use your intuition as well as logic when doing mathematics.

Vedic Mathematics is a great way to improve your child’s overall intelligence quotient (IQ).

History and Importance of Vedic Maths

In the Golden Age Period, about 5000 years ago, people were able to calculate correctly and mentally, without even using a pen or a piece of paper, in no time. Education at that time was exclusively verbal. As time passed, it was felt necessary to document the knowledge of that era for future generations and different Vedas were being composed. We are familiar with four major Vedas: the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda. The subject matter of each varies. As such, Atharvaveda contains all kinds of sciences, such as architectural science, astronomical science, engineering science, and mathematics.

Europeans showed a great deal of interest in ancient Sanskrit texts at the beginning of the 20th century. Atharvaveda contains some texts called “Ganit Sutras” that contain mathematical conclusions, but no one was able to use them since no one could find mathematics in them.

Vedic Maths is an ancient method of mental calculations that was discovered by “Late Swami Shri Bharti Krishna Tirthaji” (1884-1960)”, the Shankaracharya of Puri, who is known as “The Father of Vedic Maths”. was a great scholar of Sanskrit, English, Mathematics, History, and Philosophy. He studied these texts called “Ganit Sutras” in deep silence in the forests of shingeri for a period of 8 long years.

He reconstructed 16 main Vedic sutras or formulae and 13 sub-sutras, covering a wide range of Arithmetical computation and Algebraic operations. These formulas are in the form of sutras and they are short, easy to remember, and very easy to apply.

All the sutras are in Sanskrit words, he has given English translation and mathematical meaning for all of them and it is clearly explained for the understanding of all age groups. Through the Maths techniques explained here, everyone will be able to cut out their dependency on calculators.

Who Can Benefit from Vedic Maths?

Vedic Mathematics is applicable for students from grades 3-12 (age 8-17), students writing competitive exams, and also helps in our day-to-day activities. I have been training teachers and homemakers for improvising their mathematical skills and it also helps homemakers to have an identity and it provides them an extra source of income.

If you’re interested in learning Vedic Maths for yourself or your child, take a look at our Lifetime Membership Access.

Students from grade 3-12, need to learn the Vedic sutras from scratch, it is the foundation. Now is where they will understand the difference between Conventional maths and Vedic Maths. In conventional maths, the steps will be longer, but in Vedic maths, the accurate answers can be found in one straight line. Here is where the students become even smarter. They will start enjoying their school life without any math phobia.

When it comes to competitive exams, students appearing for any government exams, banking, railway, SSC, UPSC, CET, GMAT, etc,.. can easily clear the papers on time with the help of Vedic tricks and it gives quick and accurate results. For this, you need to have a very good practice and tricks should be on your fingertip. It isn’t that easy, but having good practice on concepts of mathematics makes you perfect. So over a period of time, you will get a hang of the math trick. That’s where it sharpens your mind, speed of calculation increases confidence level, and improves mental ability.

Why calculate mentally if I have a calculator?

Vedic Maths is full of math tricks and gives quick answers and removes the confusion in the school method. Also helps in solving any difficulty level in maths calculation. Even a person from a non-maths background can easily learn Vedic Maths.

If you’re interested in learning Vedic Maths for yourself or your child, take a look at our Lifetime Membership Access.

Students from grade 3-12, need to learn the Vedic sutras from scratch, it is the foundation. Now is where they will understand the difference between Conventional maths and Vedic Maths. In conventional maths, the steps will be longer, but in Vedic maths, the accurate answers can be found in one straight line. Here is where the students become even smarter. They will start enjoying their school life without any math phobia.

When it comes to competitive exams, students appearing for any government exams, banking, railway, SSC, UPSC, CET, GMAT, etc,.. can easily clear the papers on time with the help of Vedic tricks and it gives quick and accurate results. For this, you need to have a very good practice and tricks should be on your fingertip. It isn’t that easy, but having good practice on concepts of mathematics makes you perfect. So over a period of time, you will get a hang of the math trick. That’s where it sharpens your mind, speed of calculation increases confidence level, and improves mental ability.

Why calculate mentally if I have a calculator?

Vedic Maths is full of math tricks and gives quick answers and removes the confusion in the school method. Also helps in solving any difficulty level in maths calculation. Even a person from a non-maths background can easily learn Vedic Maths.

The human brain is capable of working faster than the world’s fastest computer.

Performing mental calculations is the best exercise for the brain, just like exercising our bodies to stay healthy. Exercising the brain will not only help us calculate fast but also help us in our daily lives as well.

With a calculator, we don’t participate in the calculation process at all. This is highly dangerous over time, as we lose our ability to calculate in a day-to-day situation and our thinking abilities are also affected.

As a result, our brain must be exercised as frequently as possible to become smart and fast, and mental calculations serve as a kind of brain gym. The ability to think faster and smarter keeps the brain active and the body healthy.

5 Interesting Vedic Maths Sutras or Tricks:-

Vedic Maths Is all about the Collection of Sutras and their benefits which can be used with the school curriculum. Here are a few basic operations that will boost you to get started with.

Vedic Sutra 1- Ekadhikena Purvena:-

English Translation:- One more than the previous one

Mathematical meaning:- To obtain the next number, add one to the previous one.

This is the formula used for calculating Squares Of Numbers Ending In 5:-

Eg:- Find the Square of 25.

Solution:- 1st step:- Multiply the number (except last 5) by one more than it.

i.e., 2x(2+1) = 2×3 = 6

2nd step:- Write Square of 5, i.e., 25 after it.

5×5 = 25.

Together (join both the steps), in one line, 2x(2+1) and write 25 = 625.

Therefore, the answer is 625.

Vedic Sutra 2 – Nikhilam Navatascharamam Dasatah:-

English Translation:- All from nine and last from ten.

Mathematical Meaning:- To find the complement (deficiency) of any number to the next base (nearest base, also called working base), subtract all the other digits (except last) from 9 and the last digit from 10.

Eg:- To find the complement of 38 (to the working base 100), subtract:-

Solution:- 3 from 9 = 6 and 8 from 10 = 2, i.e., 62.

Therefore, the complement of 38 (100-38) is 62.

Vedic Sutra 3 – Ekanyunena Purvena:-

English Translation:- One less than the previous one.

Mathematical Meaning:- One number less than the previous number.

This method is used for calculating Multiplication by 9,99,999,…

Formula:- 1st step- Left part- One less than the multiplicand, i.e., (multiplicand – 1)

2nd step- Right part- The deficiency of multiplicand, i.e., (base – multiplicand)

Eg:- Multiply 57 by 99:- (base is 100)

Solution:- step1 – 57-1= 56

step2- 100-57= (9-5=4, 10-7=3)= 43

57 x 99 = (57 – 1) (100 – 57) = 5643

Therefore, 57 x 99 = 5643.

Vedic Sutra 4 – Anthyayordasakepi:-

English Translation:- When final digits add upon ten.

Mathematical Meaning:- The sum of final digits is the base. Eg- 14+16 = (4+6) =10 as base.

Multiplication – When the sum of final digits is the base and previous parts are the same.

Formula:- 1st step- Left part- Multiply the previous part by one more than itself

2nd step- Right part- Multiply the last digits (whose sum is the base).

Eg:- Multiply 36 by 34:-

Solution:- Here sum of last digits 6 and 4 is 6+4=10 (base)

36 x 34 = (3x (3+1) (6×4)

=(3 x 4) (24)


Therefore, 36 x 34 = 1224.

Vedic Sutra 5 – Yavadhunam

English Translation:- Whatever the extent of the deficiency.

Mathematical Meaning:- The deficiency (to the nearest base).

This method is used for calculating Squares Of Any Number.

Formula:- 1st step- Right part- Square the deficiency

2nd step-Left part- Subtract the number by its deficiency plus carry over.

Eg:- Find the square of 96.

Solution:- The deficiency is 4 with working base 100.

Step1- Right part:- Square of deficiency (4)²

Step2 – Left part:- Subtract the number by its deficiency (96-4)

(96 – 4) (4)² = (92) (16)

Therefore, 96² = 9216.


I hope the above tricks helped you to understand the structure of Vedic maths.

In Addition, it covers other interesting tricks like Magic with 11, Multiplication by 5,25,50,250,…. Times Tables Tricks, Base Method Multiplication, Base Method Division, Vertically and Crosswise Multiplication, Fractions, HCF/LCM, Cubes, its Roots etc,..

Vedic Maths is the gift of the Veda for solving the “Maths Anxiety” problem in Math education worldwide. It’s a very special feature, it mainly converts the dry tedious Maths into a playful and joyful subject, which children enjoy learning with a smile.

When it comes to Math for Kids, I’m sure you would have found the easy ways to learn and calculate MATHS in no time, Vedic Math can help you to compare both conventional and Vedic methods, so you can practice well and become smart students with this strong foundation. Say a big bye to MATHS PHOBIA…!

Thanks for spending your quality time reading this blog, I hope it helped, feel free to share your valuable feedback and you can also check our courses, blogs, podcasts, Facebook, and Instagram for more information on Vedic Maths.

Good luck and Thank you.


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